When You’re Ready

I can feel the next book starting.

The scenes are beginning to play out in my head. Motivations are becoming clear. I’m reaching out for research books. I’m jotting down conversations.

There are some writers that say you should force yourself to write every day. I don’t agree with that. Forcing myself to write when I have a plot and and outline and I’m in the middle of the book is one thing. But if I force myself to begin the book before my head is ready then I’ll hair produce rubbish.

I read time and time again about authors who have started and then got so far and had to throw the whole thing away because it’s rubbish. That’s an awful thing to happen to a writer.

That’s why I’m a firm believer in only starting when I can feel it’s ready. You know when the story is ready to be told – when all you think about is the story, when the characters chatter in your head as you watch TV, when you find yourself standing in the queue at the shop, lost in the world of your story.

Then you’re ready.

House at Baker Street by Michelle Birkby

The Women Of Baker Street

Sent from my iPad

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