Scraps of Time

I’ve had Covid and then I had a hospital operation and writing has had to take a back seat for a few weeks.

When I first got published my friends thought I’d spend all day lounging on the sofa, writing occasionally. The truth is most writers work full time and have to grab scraps of time to write in between life.

So writing has to come behind the daily job, illness, housework, caring responsibilities, the general chores and once in while, an actual holiday.

It’s very easy to get burned out. And it becomes very easy to see writing as just another chore to be carried out whenever there’s a scrap of time.

I wish I had an answer for this. But I don’t. Until writers are paid a regular, better income, writing is just going to have to be something we squeeze into our life where ever we can find room. It’s lucky for all our publishers and publicists and bookshops that somehow, we do.

House at Baker Street by Michelle Birkby

The Women Of Baker Street

Sent from my iPad

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